Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm a Blogger??? (Sam Godin Blog Review)

So one of the first posts I saw on Seth Godin's blog was titled "Where to Begin?" (posted on 3/31/08) and was all about being a blogger. Until class this semester I had not really been exposed to blogging since the inception of "LiveJournal" back when I was in like 9th grade. So of course I was interested in Seth's post about how bloggers tend to think, or at least, how he, as a blogger, tends to think. He explains how there is a dichotomy between loyal blog readers who may have kept up on every post for the past several years, and those "first-timers" who have just happened upon a blog for the first time. With this dichotomy comes the question of who do you write for?... Something quick and new for the loyal or something with history and depth for the first-timer. Reading this post got me thinking that there must be ever more levels and types of people to impress. For example, the "first-timer" could be someone like myself, discovering the world of blogging for literally the first time, or it could be a seasoned blogger who just happened upon one particular blog for the first time. Or it could be someone who followed one blog religiously, but then got a promotion, or a significant other, or something equally time consuming, thus causing them to miss a few months or more of blogging and now what kind of blog they're returning too. The millions of blogs and millions of people out there provide an endless supply of every kind of blogger.
So since this topic interested me I looked at another post, titled Write Like a Blogger (4/7/08), in which Seth gives 9 basic steps on how to successfully write a blog. Again, I was intrigued that there was actually a process to writing a blog, let alone one that someone thought to give instructions. On the other hand, with the amount of blogs out there, a good amount are definitely not written well. Seth brought up several good points, that although sometimes seemed obvious and basic, were well thought out and would contribute the success of one's blog overall. So from all of this reading and writing on, in, and about blogs I realized that I too am now a blogger. And despite the fact that this may be a short lived venture for class, I hav definitely rediscovered the world of bloggers and am now equipped to properly visit, rate, an enjoy any blog.

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