Thursday, January 31, 2008

Screenager/Gen. Y/ Gen-Next/Millenial/A What??

Prior to having to research the term "screenager" I had never realized my generation had a name, let alone had been given a description, and was being researched, discussed, and analyzed by the other generations at large.
Here are a few sites that give a general overview of what exactly "we" are:
Wikipedia's definition of a Screenager
Wikipedia's defintion of Generation Y's definition of a Screenager's defintion of a Screenager

Also, here are some articles analyzing and educating the masses on our generation:
USA Today: "Generation Y: They've arrived at work with a new attitude"
Business Week: "Generation Y"
NY Times: The Lives of Teenagers Now: Open Blogs, Not Locked Diaries

I have to say the the definitions are pretty accurate; citing our constant need to be connected to anything and everything is multiple ways, at multiple times. The articles also made me see that we are a new generation with different views, styles, needs, and opinions... and that since we seem determined for it all the be done our way, maybe the world is having trouble adapting to us.

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